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Diane Brzezinski, D.O. FACOI

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Dr. B's Blog

P-shot® For Men’s Sexual Health


Are you familiar with “platelet-rich plasma,” “Priapus,” and the “P-shot®?” If so, you probably understand what links them beyond starting with the letter “p.” Should your understanding of the terms and how they relate to each other is limited, here is a quick primer:

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a concentration of specialized blood cells known as platelets that are essential for blood clotting and contain growth factors and proteins that promote healing and tissue regeneration. The plasma concentrate is derived from a patient’s own blood via centrifugation and then injected back into the patient to enhance their natural healing abilities. Over the past two decades, researchers have identified more than 30 different cell-regenerating growth factors that help PRP heal injuries and improve surgical recovery. PRP therapy is now used to help support the treatment of sports injuries, osteoarthritis, post-surgical repair, bone grafting, hair loss, and various dental procedures.

Priapus was considered the god of fertility by ancient Greek and Roman cultures, which associated him with the penis (another “p” word) and sexual vitality, and usually depicted him as having an oversized, erect phallus (“p” again).

That leads us to the P-shot®, which links PRP therapy with Priapus to provide men with a treatment designed to boost their sexual health with robust erections, increased penile size, and enhanced sexual pleasure. Also known as the “Priapus shot,” Dr. B’s internal medicine practice offers this novel treatment to men experiencing erectile dysfunction and other sexual performance issues in the Naples, Florida, area. With training and certification in administering the P-shot® in Naples, Dr. Michael Hellman explains what you need to know about this life-changing, natural treatment for male sexual dysfunction.

What Can the P-Shot® Do for Me?

When injected into the penis, the PRP in the P-Shot® helps stimulate the growth of new tissues and blood vessels and improves blood flow. In turn, this enhances nerve sensations, which promote stronger erections, sexual vitality, and orgasmic responses. It can also provide a boost to penile length and girth. Dr. Hellman says men who have received the P-shot® at Dr. B’s Naples clinic have reported the following benefits:

  • Overcoming erectile dysfunction.
  • Firmer, longer-lasting erections.
  • Enhanced libido.
  • Increased ability to achieve orgasm.
  • Stronger and more intense orgasms.
  • More stamina during sex.
  • Boost in sexual function after prostate surgery.

In addition to revitalizing overall penile health and sexual function, the P-shot® is also used as an adjunct therapy to help treat Peyronie’s disease.

How Painful is the P-Shot® Injection?

Dr. Hellman performs the P-shot® as an outpatient procedure that causes minimal pain and requires no downtime. He begins the procedure by applying a topical anesthetic cream to targeted penile injection sites. Once the sites are numb, blood is drawn from your arm and processed in a centrifuge to separate the PRP from the plasma. Dr. Hellman then carefully injects the PRP into the numbed areas with an ultra-fine needle. When the injections are completed, you can leave the office and resume normal daily activities. You may experience mild swelling or bruising at the injection sites, but this should quickly subside.

When Do P-Shot® Results Become Noticeable?

P-shot® results can vary, but most men experience improved sensitivity, libido, erectile function, sexual performance, and penile size within a week or two. You can expect these initial enhancements to improve further over the ensuing months as the PRP continues to promote new tissue growth and improves blood flow and nerve sensitivity. The duration of P-shot® benefits also varies depending on lifestyle factors and the overall quality of one’s health, but you should expect a minimum boost in sexual health for at least a year, and usually much longer. Dr. Hellman will discuss how you can prolong P-shot® benefits with follow-up treatment sessions as needed.

Does the P-Shot® Have Any Side Effects?

Because the P-Shot® is not a drug, it does not carry any associated side effects. The P-shot® procedure is not associated with any reports of significant long-term complications. Other than the potential initial swelling and bruising, rare complications have included infection and minor scarring at injection sites. Additionally, those infected with the herpes simplex virus may face a flare-up of cold sores.

Am I a Good Candidate for the P-Shot®?

You may be a good candidate for the P-shot® if you have erectile dysfunction, loss in libido, other sexual performance issues, or just want to give a boost to your sexual performance. If you struggle with getting or maintaining an erection, feel that your sex drive and/or performance is flagging, have Peyronie’s disease, or otherwise have concerns about your sexual health, Dr. Hellman would be glad to consult with you on treatment options and determine whether you might benefit from the P-shot®. To learn more, contact Dr. Michael Hellman at Dr. B’s Naples-based Internal Medicine practice today through our easy online form or by calling (239) 261-9990.